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New York kenti
Çarşamba, Şubat 12, 2025

Holocaust Remembrance Day: 80th Anniversary of Auschwitz Liberation

Mutlaka Oku

By Janet Ekstract NEW YORK – On January 27, each year, International Holocaust Remembrance Day is commemorated but 2025 is especially poignant since it’s the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the death camp in Auschwitz, Poland. The commemoration is taking place Monday at the exact site of the camp in a ceremony that is likely the last major observance that any significant number of survivors able to attend. During World War II, 1.1 million people were murdered at the site not just Jews but non-Jews who were Polish, Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, gay people and others targeted for mass extermination, according to the Nazi racial ideology. At the ceremony, elderly camp survivors walked side by side to the Death Wall where prisoners were executed – among them many Polish citizens who resisted Nazi occupation in their country. 

Poland’s President Andrzej Duda walked to the Death Wall with the survivors to remember that Poland lost 6 million citizens during World War II. Duda, carrying a candle, walked with Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum Director Piotr Cywinski. Speaking to the press after the ceremony, Duda said “We Pole, on whose land – occupied by Nazi Germans at that time – the Germans built this extermination industry and this concentration camp, are today the guardians of memory.” The Polish president talked about the “unimaginable harm” so many people suffered, especially the Jewish people, he said. Meanwhile, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen commenting on X said “As the last survivors fade, it is our duty as Europeans to remember the unspeakable crimes and to honor the memories of the victims.”


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