1.5 C
New York kenti
Çarşamba, Şubat 12, 2025

Nurten Ural Receives the International Award for Public Diplomacy

Mutlaka Oku

Nurten Ural is the 2012 recipient of the Charles A. Gliozzo International Award for Public Diplomacy.

Ural, the Honorary Consul General for Turkey in Detroit and a prominent Turkish-American community leader has focused on increasing international economic and business connections, and has demonstrated a commitment to promote and enrich international educational, community, and cultural exchanges between Michigan and Turkey.

The Charles A. Gliozzo International Award for Public Diplomacy recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to public diplomacy through educating, training or promoting knowledge and understanding between faculty, community members and international students, scholars and visitors. Ideal awardees are motivated by a responsibility to engage with the rest of the world in a meaningful, mutually beneficial dialogue.

Consul General Fatih Yildiz and Mrs. Nesrin Yildiz and President of Michigan State University, Dr. Lou Anna K. Simon and CEO of Prima Civitas, Steven Webster and Mayor Diane Goddeeris and other government officials were among the 200 plus attendees for the awards ceremony and reception.


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